AS OF 2021 Wild Folk Farm has relocated to Vassalboro, Maine. Our central focus is continuing and evolving our crafting of high quality, cost-accessible organic herbal medicinals. we are also now a woman-owned business! read below to learn more about our origins in benton, maine. more details on our exciting developments, soon!
The farm is designed and continually strives to be a place for community, subsistence, permaculture, experimentation, demonstration and education. We try to integrate small-scale organic principles into the praxis and philosophy of permaculture in order to maximize potential production without compromising responsible land stewardship. We work under minimal use of mechanization, partly out of principle, but mainly for the sake of conviviality and connection to our surroundings and each other. We rely on human power coupled with hand and wheel tools, and the ecology around us to perform our work. Other than our truck, and chainsaw, we are working to create systems in which we will not be reliant on fossil fuels for our operation. The farm is only recently getting back into production and we are in a period of much expansion and formation.

Highly diversified and integrated , our biggest focus in years past besides medicinal cbd hemp has been mixed vegetable production, either going to wholesale or CSA. All annual beds (roughly an acre) are either currently in or transitioning towards a no-till system, which is strongly reliant on cover cropping, rotations, animal integration, mulching, a diverse array of homemade foliar sprays, prompt, observant and critical management, and faith in the biology below us.
We do follow organic practices and strive to go above and beyond organic standards whenever possible. Our livestock is fed little grain (if any), most of our sprays are homemade brews/teas, we do not use any black plastic. We favor heirloom and heritage taste over hybrid yields.
Homesteading practices have played a large role in the function of the land. We greatly value trying to work outside the monetary system in casual work trade and bartering arrangements in the flow of a gift economy.
Alternative economies are important to us. Homesteading practices have played a large role in the form and function of the land. We greatly value relationships and operations outside the monetary system through casual work trade, bartering arrangements and in the flow of a gift economy. The land is intended to be a sanctuary and safe space for creatures and folks of all different shapes and sizes.